AXIS Upcoming Feature Highlights #7 – May 2024

Hello AXIS Community!
We’re back in it with another exciting edition of our Upcoming Feature Highlight (UFH) series! In case you missed our last UFH adventure, catch up on all the excitement right here. Today, we want to share the latest developments brewing in the AXIS lab, specifically diving deep into the realm of battery life optimization and enhancements. Let’s delve into these features coming your way:
Power Configuration Options
We’ll soon be rolling out options which would allow you to tailor your nodes’ transmission power to your specific needs. Be default, AXIS runs at a power rating which allows our nodes to achieve a range of 300 meters for those looking for expansive outdoor use. You can soon opt for a lower power option for use in home or office settings to conserve battery life without sacrificing tracking performance.
Use While Charging
Currently, AXIS nodes are designed to shut off whenever they’re plugged into a power source (e.g. placed in the charging dock). We will be implementing a firmware update that would allow nodes to be usable even while they’re being charged up. You might think “Hold up, how are we going to use the nodes when the only way to charge them is through the charging dock?”. That leads us to the next point…
AXIS Battery Extender
While we’re working on squeezing out as much battery life as possible on the software front, we’ve also been making headway on the hardware side, and we’re so excited to share this particular one with you!
In the video above, we’re introducing a 3D-printed working prototype of an AXIS battery life extender we made that also works as a single node charger! We modified the design of the node holder to include a compartment to fit a small external battery. When paired with the ability to use the node while it is being charged, we believe that this can extend the nodes’ uptime to at least 8 hours or more.
We will soon be publicly releasing the 3D print file for free together with the list of necessary parts, for those who are keen to get started right away or to tinker with AXIS. We are still doing extensive testing, and what you see here may be subject to change. That said, we plan to have this go into production soon with a more polished, sleek and compact form factor, and be an available option for all AXIS users soon.
Let us know what you think of all these battery-extending goodness we have in store, we’d love to hear your thoughts! As always, thank you for being an amazing community and for your unceasing support, we hope to share even more with you soon!

Stay charged up and ready for action,
The AXIS Team

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