AXIS Upcoming Feature Highlights #3 – November 2023
Hello AXIS Community!
We hope you’ve been enjoying the enhancements and features brought by the latest 0.8.5-beta patch for AXIS! We’ve been continuously working to bring even more to you, so perhaps this is a great time to bring you the next instalment of our Upcoming Feature Highlight (UFH) series!
To prelude, we are making great inroads in a number of key areas, such as battery optimizations for both uptime AND Standby Mode discharge rate. For today though, we want to provide insight to a more seamless calibration process as well as more use cases for your AXIS trackers outside of “Body Tracking”, among a litany of fantastic UI/IX refinements. Please note that all images/videos shown below are WORK IN PROGRESS and subject to change. That said, let’s dive right in:
Streamlined Calibration
We recognize that every second you spend calibrating devices is a second less as your virtual character. So, instead of manually toggling between the S-Pose and T-Pose buttons, a single integrated Calibrate button will soon allow users to seamlessly transition through the calibration poses, propelling you faster into your FBT adventures.

Body Pairing & Free Pairing Modes
Ever wished for a bit more freedom when deciding where to attach your trackers? We’re working on a dual mode – the default “Body Pairing” mode for the traditionalists among you, and a brand-new “Free Pairing” mode allowing users to attach a node to any object you wish! Whether it’s emulating bicycle handlebars in your favourite cycling simulation (take a close look at the “handlebar” in our demo video below), or attaching it to a physical model of a pew-pew weapon to emulate an in-game rifle, or – for VTubers out there – tracking your Avatar’s tail, this new feature is all about flexibility and making your virtual endeavours even more personal.
UI/UX Optimizations
Why have two tabs when one can do the trick? We’re merging the “My Devices” tab and the “Node Manager” section together for a simpler yet comprehensive node pairing experience. Also, say goodbye to the currently-too-large “Hub List” space – I mean, you don’t really need that much space when you’re using only a single AXIS Hub (or sometimes even none at all with the latest 0.8.5-beta patch!). All these optimizations and more are coming to an AXIS Control Center near you soon!

These are not all that we’re working on. Our team is working to bring you – our beloved community – even more features, innovations and refinements. As always, your insights and feedback play an instrumental role in shaping AXIS’s journey to redefine the boundaries of immersive entertainment, and to extend human experience beyond reality.
Best Regards,
The AXIS Team
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