AXIS Upcoming Feature Highlights #4 – December 2023

Hello AXIS Community!
As the AXIS journey continues to unfold, we’re excited to bring you another edition of our Upcoming Feature Highlight (UFH)! We’ve been cooking up some spicy new features that we can’t wait to share with you. Let’s dive right in!
Express Calibration
Say goodbye to the two-step calibration dance! We’re simplifying the process – soon, a single T-Pose will be all you need to calibrate your AXIS trackers. Streamlined, efficient, and ready to get you back in action faster than ever!
New & Improved Tracking Algorithm
Our team has been hard at work on an advanced tracking algorithm. Early tests are already showing promising results in smoothing out rare, quirky tracking issues that might pop up in current builds. The best part is that we’re achieving this without any compromises to the current tracking quality, although more testing is being conducted.
Configurable Transmission Power Setting
We’re putting the power back in your hands – literally. AXIS currently runs at a maximum power rating of 20dBm, which allows our nodes to achieve a range of 300m for those looking for expansive outdoor adventures. Need to conserve battery during those long VR sessions at home? Just dial back the power! Soon, AXIS will feature adjustable transmission power settings, giving you more control over your VR experience.
As we gear up to bring these updates to life, remember that your insights and experiences are the fuel that drives our innovation. We’re here to push the boundaries of what’s possible in VR and to provide you with the best possible experience.
(One last thing! We’ve had some truly insightful responses to our AXIS Consumer Survey – and we deeply thank those who have – but we’d love to hear from more of you. We’d be ever so grateful if you could give us your unfiltered thoughts over on this link – your voice is integral to our shared journey in redefining immersive entertainment.)

Best Regards,
The AXIS Team

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