AXIS Upcoming Feature Highlights #5 – February 2024

Hello AXIS Community!
We’ve had quite a bustling start to 2024 so far with the releases of major updates to our software & firmware suites as well as the launch of AXIS Lite. We’d like to bring you a short showcase of what we’re working on in this installment of our Upcoming Feature Highlight (UFH) series!
Here’s what’s on the drawing board:
Hip & Spine Determination With Only 4 Nodes
This feature revolutionizes how your virtual self mirrors your physical movements while utilizing the fewest trackers in the market. With your VR headset and controllers, AXIS will be able to determine your hip and spine with only 4 nodes on your thighs and shins. Additionally, this feature will further enhance AXIS’ tracking performance when using more nodes. We believe this to be perfect for VR enthusiasts who demand the most from their experience – more realism, and seamless integration with VR.
Guided Setup Experience
Navigating the setup of your AXIS gear is about to be even better than ever. Whether you’re sporting the Lite, Standard, or Pro setup, our forthcoming guided setup experience will tailor everything to your needs with just a few clicks. The various settings will be configured automatically for you based on the use case you indicate, and all you’ll need to do is to follow the on-screen instructions, making for a more streamlined setup process.
Check out this early preview (remember, it’s still a work in progress!) for a taste of this in action:
Streamlined Firmware Updates
Another feature we are working on is to have AXIS Control Center recognizing your setup’s current firmware status automatically the moment it connects. It’ll nudge you with a prompt if a firmware update is available and allow you to update the firmware at the click of a button, ensuring that your AXIS gear is always operating with the latest enhancements.
As we forge ahead, these features are just the beginning of what we envision for a more seamless, intuitive, and boundary-pushing motion capture experience. Share your thoughts and insights with us in our community Discord server, we truly appreciate your support and feedback! Lastly, do remember to check out the latest updates for our Unity and Unreal SDKs which were just announced yesterday!

Stay adventurous!
The AXIS Team

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