Estimated reading: 2 minutes

The section below serves as a guide to set up AXIS specifically for VTKD gameplay.

Compatible AXIS fimrware for VTKD

Description Version Download Links
AXIS Control Center v0.12.2 Link
AXIS Node Firmware* 2.2.3 Link
AXIS Dongle Firmware* 2.2.2 Link

To play the VTKD game, you are only required to use 5 AXIS nodes in the following placement:

  • 1 x spine node; and
  • 4 x lower limb nodes.

A person wearing a white uniform Description automatically generated

AXIS pairing for 5-node setup

AXIS Control Centre

  • Connect Axis dongle to the PC and open the Control Center application on PC.

A close-up of a blue rose Description automatically generated

  • Select the ‘Device Manager’ tab.

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

  • Turn on AXIS nodes and activate pairing mode by pressing and holding the power button (1) until it blinks dark blue (2).

A black and white drawing of a rectangular object Description automatically generated

  • Click on the ‘set to pairing mode’ button [refer to green square in image below] and drag/assign nodes to the spine and lower limbs, according to the image below.

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

*You may identify which nodes correspond to the one on your body by double clicking the white nodes in node manager.

  • Once nodes are placed in position, click on ‘set to pairing mode’ button again to save.

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

AXIS Nodes on body

The placement of the AXIS nodes on the body must match the placement in the AXIS Control Centre (i.e. if a node is assigned to the right thigh in the Control Centre, the same node must be worn on the right thigh of the player).

For the spine node, it should be placed in the upper part of the back, along the middle of the spine (see image below). The orientation of all nodes should be facing upwards.

For the lower limb nodes, the nodes should be worn above and below the knee (see image below). The nodes should be worn at least 10cm above or below the centre of the knee cap.

A person wearing a harness Description automatically generated