Game Terminology

Estimated reading: 2 minutes
Terms Description
Spectator View Main third-person spectator view. Showcases both players on Screen, with side on view.
First-person View Player view displayed on each virtual headset.
Referee Timeout A timeout that can be called by the Game Master, at points of an ongoing match. This timeout will be indefinite, until the resume button is pressed.
Stun Mechanic where player disables opponent and can deal uninterrupted damage.
Knockout (KO) State where the player is defeated.
Break Event whereby both players are too close to each other and are required to move back to their start point.
Round One fight out of a set.
Match One set of fights/rounds.
Avatar The player character asset.
Stun Meter Visual representation of the stun resource buildup.
Shield Burst of dust that appears along forearm and leg areas of the avatar indicating a block to incoming strike to reduce damage taken.
Damage An unblocked hit, full damage is dealt.
Punch A form of strike with the player’s hand, tracked by the player’s hand holding the VR Controller.
Kick A form of strike with the player’s hand, tracked by the player’s leg holding the Axis Nodes.
Health The resource both players have and must maintain while reducing the other.
Health Bar Visual representation of health resource amount.
Pairing The process of pairing the Axis nodes to the dongle that will be plugged into the VR headset.
Calibration Players must execute a T-pose and an S-pose to synchronize the Axis nodes to the players body.