1. Important Information

1.1 About This Guide

This user guide contains information you need when installing and configuring AXIS.
Where to find more information
For additional information on AXIS, you can visit the:
  • AXIS Website

Visit https://AXISxr.gg/ for official product updates, information and support.

  • AXIS Control Center

Check out your AXIS Control Center for latest patches and product updates.

  • Refract Technologies Website

Visit https://refract.gg/ for business announcements and updates.

Conventions used in this guide
To ensure optimal performance and safety when using our product, please take note of the following symbols used throughout this manual.
CAUTION: Information to prevent damage to the components and injuries to yourself when trying to complete a task.
IMPORTANT: Instructions that you MUST follow to complete a task.
NOTE: Tips and additional information to help you complete a task

1.2 Safety Information

Electrical Safety
  • The Charging Dock for AXIS Lite is rated at 5V, 2A.
  • Any 3rd party chargers may result in damage to the hardware.
  • When charging, please ensure components are not near any exposed heat sources or flames.
  • Do not store AXIS near any magnetic devices (i.e. Magnets, speakers, etc.) as it may cause sensor damage over time.
  • Do not submerge AXIS in water. If this occurs, dry immediately to prevent damage to the system.
  • Always use AXIS authorised chargers when charging nodes.
  • Place charging dock on an even surface during charging.
  • Avoid impact with hard surfaces to prevent internal damage to AXIS electronic components.
  • When the wireless dongle is attached to a PC, avoid contact with conductive surfaces to prevent electrical damage.
  • Do not wet, bend or apply pressure to the wireless dongle.
Operation Safety
  • Ensure straps are tightened before use to prevent nodes from slipping out of the node holders.
  • Do not over-stretch node holders to prevent tearing of the silicon material.
  • Always use AXIS as intended. Extreme or unintended forms of usage may result in bodily injuries to the user, and damage to the system.
  • Do not cover the AXIS charging dock while charging the nodes.

1.3 FCC Compliance

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by Refract Technologies Pte Ltd, could potentially lead to the cancellation of their operating privileges for the equipment.
AXIS has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. AXIS generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If AXIS does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, Users are encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
  • Reorient or relocate the receiver (AXIS Dongle)
  • Increase the separation between the affected equipment and receiver (AXIS Dongle)
  • Connect the affected equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver (AXIS Dongle) is connected
  • Consult Refract Technologies consumer support for help.





Contains Transmitter Module


1.4 System Requirements

You will need the following to run AXIS applications:
Computer specifications:
  • Intel® HD Graphics 2000 +
  • Intel i7-2600 equivalent or greater
  • 8GB+ RAM
  • 1x USB 2.0 port
  • Windows 10 and above
Your computer must also meet the requirements for other applications or games that you intend to run.
When using AXIS nodes with an HMD (head-mounted display), a router is required for the devices to communicate.

1.5 AXIS Contents

Your AXIS Lite set consists of the following items:
AXIS Hardware
  • 4 x AXIS nodes
  • 1 x AXIS charging dock
  • 1 x AXIS USB-C mini-dongle
  • 1 x USB-C to USB-A adapter
  • AXIS Accessories
  • 4 x Node holders
  • 2 x Short straps
  • 2 x Medium straps
  • Accompanying Hardware
  • 1 x USB-A charger with adapter
  • 1 x USB-A to USB-C cable
  • If any of the above items are damaged or missing, please get in touch with us via https://support.AXISxr.gg/.

    1.6 AXIS Software/Drivers Checklist

    ☐ Download AXIS Control Center on your computer
    ☐ Download and update AXIS Firmware for nodes and dongle
    ☐ Download SteamVR drivers (to play any SteamVR games with AXIS)
    ☐ Download AXIS Unity SDK (to use AXIS within Unity Engine applications)
    ☐ Download AXIS Unreal SDK (to use AXIS within Unreal Engine applications)

    2. Getting Started

    2.1 AXIS Components

    1. AXIS Nodes

    1 – Node button

    2 – Status Indicator

    3 – Charging Pin

    1.1 Status Indicator Legend

    Red: Charging

    Yellow: Starting up

    Teal: Standby/paired

    Teal flashing: Receiving of information

    Blue flashing: Pairing mode

    Off: Sleeping/powered off

    1. AXIS USB-C Mini-Dongle

    1 – Status Indicator

    2 – USB-C Connector

    2.2 Charging AXIS Nodes

    Place the nodes in the charging tray with the charging pins at the back of the node aligned with the charging tray’s pins.
    It is recommended to fully charge the nodes before using them for the first time.
    Nodes are fully charged when the red light is turned off.
    When charging the nodes for the first time, the nodes will vibrate with the status indicators flashing red and blue for a few minutes before a solid red.
    Do not cover the AXIS charging dock while charging the nodes.

    2.3 Installation of AXIS Control Center

    Download the AXIS Control Center software on your computer via our website.
    1. Open this website on your browser: https://downloads.AXISxr.gg/cc.
    2. Click on the AXIS node image in the middle to begin the download.
    3. Double-click on “AXIS Control Center-X.X.X Setup.exe*” to install.
    4. Once installed, AXIS Control Center will load automatically.

    *X.X.X in here represents the software version at the point of download

    More instructions on how to operate the AXIS Control Center can be found on the AXIS Control Center User Manual.

    2.4 Setting Up AXIS Straps

    AXIS Straps
    1. Attach a node holder to an AXIS strap as shown below:

    Front View

    Rear View

    1. Repeat above step for the rest of the node holders and AXIS straps (2 short and 2 medium length straps).
    When inserting straps into node holders, please ensure the wavy silicon grips are facing down against your skin.

    2.5 Connecting AXIS Dongle

    Insert the dongle via its USB-A to a USB port on the computer that you are connecting AXIS to.
    1 dongle can support up to 17 nodes

    3. Setting Up

    3.1 AXIS Nodes Setup

    Pairing Mode
    When the node is off, press and hold the node’s button for 4 seconds, the status indicator will flash blue when it is in pairing mode.
    Turning On
    For nodes previously paired, press the node button once to turn on.
    Standby Mode
    The status indicator should show teal once the node is turned on and paired.
    Turning Off
    Press and hold the node’s button for 2 seconds until the status indicator turns off.
    When turning off, only release the button after the haptic feedback stops.

    3.2 Pairing AXIS Nodes

    Starting Up
    1. Using the computer:
      1. Boot up AXIS Control Center.
      2. Select the ‘Device Manager’ tab on the left.
    2. Insert the AXIS Dongle into a USB port on your computer.
    Initial Pairing
    1. On the AXIS Control Center, click on the “Pairing Mode” button (chainlinks icon) on the top right.
    2. While the node is off, press and hold the node’s button for 4 seconds until the status indicator flash blue.
    3. The nodes that are in pairing mode will appear on the AXIS Control Center nodes drawer, located on the bottom.
    4. Identify the nodes by either one of the following method:
      • Clicking on the node icon twice will vibrate the node
      • Pressing the node’s button twice will shake the node icon
    5. Drag and drop the nodes from the nodes drawer into the square on the silhouette that corresponds with where the node will be worn at.
    6. When the nodes are successfully paired, the status indicator of the nodes will display a teal light.
    7. After pairing all the nodes that you require, click on the “Pairing Mode” button again to exit Pairing Mode.
    Re-assigning Nodes To Different Body Parts
    Nodes that are already linked to a body part will appear in the squares on the silhouette. To re-assign the nodes to a different body part:
    1. On the AXIS Control Center, click on the “Pairing Mode” button (chainlinks icon) on the top right.
    2. Identify the node you wish to re-assign by either one of the following method:
      • Clicking on the node icon twice will vibrate the node
      • Pressing the node’s button twice will shake the node icon
    3. Drag and drop the desired node into the square on the silhouette that corresponds with where the node will be worn at.
    4. Click on the “Pairing Mode” button again to exit Pairing Mode.
    It is recommended for first time users to first pair the nodes before putting them on.

    3.3 Updating AXIS Firmware

    After you have paired your nodes for the first time, it is highly advisable to update your AXIS dongle and nodes’ firmware. Doing so would substantially improve the performance, stability and battery life of your AXIS set.

    3.4 Magnetometer Calibration

    Within each AXIS node lies a number of sensors utilized for optimal tracking. On rare occasions, the magnetometer sensor could be affected by magnetic interference, and users may calibrate this sensor by following these simple steps.
    1. Detach the charging dock from the charging cable.
    2. Put all nodes in the charging dock.
    3. Ensure nodes are charged and turned on.
    4. Close the lid of the charging dock.
    5. Flip the charging dock along the X-axis.

      X-axis Magnetometer Calibration
    6. Flip the charging dock along the Z-axis.

      Z-axis Magnetometer Calibration
    7. Flip the charging dock along the Y-axis.

      Y-axis Magnetometer Calibration
    We also recommend performing the magnetometer calibration upon receiving your AXIS set for the first time.

    3.5 Profiles Setup

    To allow AXIS to run smoothly with SteamVR, creations of profiles on the AXIS Control Center is required. Profiles allow users to scale the character model of the application according to their real world measurements*. This allows better mapping of movements to virtual characters with different physical proportions.

    *Only for applications that support this feature.

    Adding New User Profile
    1. Open AXIS Control Center application on your computer.
    2. Click on “Profiles” on the left of the control center.
    3. Toggle the measurement unit of your choice, between “Imperial” and “Metric”.
    4. Type in the height of the user in the Height section.
    5. Click on the “A” button to the right of the Height section.
      • This would auto-populate the limb length fields with estimations based on the user’s input height.
      • You may also choose to type in the user’s limb length fields manually for more tracking precision.
    6. Click on the “SteamVR Trackers” tab at the top right.
    7. Click on the “+” icon at the bottom left to add a new tracking profile.
    8. Within the newly-created profile card (with blue borders), click on the pencil icon to edit the name.
    9. Toggle the desired tracking points by clicking on the corresponding body part on the model silhouette on the right.
      • Example: For VRChat or any other FBT-compatible VR games, we recommend you activate the chest, hip, knees and feet trackers, as per the image below. With your VR headset and controllers, AXIS is able to determine your hip and spine with only 4 nodes on your thighs and shins.
    Editing Existing User Profile
    1. Click on the Profile card you wish to edit.
    2. Within the Profile card, click on the pencil icon to edit the name.
    3. Toggle the desired tracking points by clicking on the corresponding body part on the model silhouette on the right.
    Activating A User Profile For SteamVR
    1. Drag the Profile card you wish to use to the top of the list by holding down the three lines to the left of the Profile card.
    2. The Profile that is at the top of the list will automatically be used by SteamVR to determine which trackers are activated.
    Once user profiles have been created, user may proceed to suit up and calibrate for AXIS.
    Download the AXIS Control Center Manual at https://downloads.AXISxr.gg/ for more information on setting up of user profiles.

    4. Suiting Up & Calibration

    4.1 AXIS Configuration

    AXIS Lite
    The AXIS Lite configuration consists of 4 nodes (located at the thighs and shins).

    Suggested strap positions:

    • Short straps – shins.
    • Medium straps – thighs.
    All nodes have to be worn pointing up.

    4.2 Calibrating AXIS

    Initial Calibration
    After pairing and suiting up of the AXIS nodes and hub:
    1. In AXIS Control Center, select ‘Calibration Manager’ tab on the left.
    2. Click on ‘Initial Calibration’.
    3. Click on ‘Next’.
    4. Face the screen and hold a T-Pose (as shown below) during the countdown.
    5. Hold the T-Pose until after the calibration screen
    To recalibrate AXIS after Initial Calibration is performed:
    1. In AXIS Control Center, select ‘Calibration Manager’ tab on the left.
    2. Click on ‘Recalibration’.
    3. Click on ‘Next’.
    4. Face the screen and hold a T-Pose (as shown above) during the countdown.
    5. Hold the T-Pose until after the calibration screen

    5. Using AXIS & Beyond

    5.1 Using AXIS

    For Gaming
    AXIS works with your existing HMD (head-mounted display), and is compatible with any SteamVR/OpenVR games that support full body tracking. To do so, follow these steps:
    For Content Creation
    AXIS is compatible with Unity and Unreal Engine. Check out the AXIS SDKs for both engines by clicking here!
    For Motion Capture
    You can record a simple animation set within AXIS Control Center and export it for use in other applications. The feature can be found under “Studio” in AXIS Control Center.
    Performing activities such as playing games or motion capture can involve rapid or vigorous motion. Make sure the nodes are secured properly in their holders and the straps are securely fastened to your body. This helps prevent the node from slipping out and causing damage to the node and surrounding objects, or injury to other people.
    Allow adequate room around you during gameplay. Make sure objects and other people are out of your range of movement to help prevent damage or injury.

    5.2 Contact Us

    AXIS Contact Information
    Join our AXIS community on Discord to get to know other AXIS users, get help instantly, or just hang out with us! You can also find us on our social media platforms and our website at https://support.AXISxr.gg/.
    Service & Support
    If you need help with AXIS, connect with us over on our Discord channel, or reach out to customer support through our website at https://support.AXISxr.gg/.